Purposeful, practical, and playful music teaching resources to keep students engaged and learning!
Blog Disclosures
31 August 2014
Cool Pin Time!
29 August 2014
New Blog Design
Eeeeeek! I'm so excited that I have to share! My new blog design is getting close to being done. Want a sneak preview!?!? Of course you do!
Is that cool or what? Not sure when I will be rolling out the new look, but stay tuned . . . Jen
Is that cool or what? Not sure when I will be rolling out the new look, but stay tuned . . . Jen
28 August 2014
Open House
We just had the open house for our school this week. It was fun to see all of those familiar faces again! I swear some kids grow soooo much in just 3 months!! Our open house is a time for parents to walk around the school with their children to see what class they will be in. Normally, I just have my room set up and say "hi," but this year I wanted to be a bit more interactive.
The first thing I did was set up my NEW (well, new to us) SMART board!! Those things are AWESOME!!! Can't wait to try it out this year with my students :) I made it so they could draw on it, and also move notes around on a music staff.
Then, I put out some owls so they could be part of my latest bulletin board. Here are some pics from making it and then with their little owls on it. It was a great way to start conversations and meet new students--definitely an idea to use again next year!
Then, I added some clouds (batting) and some owls.
I added my saying--tried to keep it small so they will have lots of room for their owls. I'm thinking I might make a banner to put above the bulletin board instead . . . a teacher's work is never done!
Finally, I put some leaves on the tree and the ground to add a little more texture to the overall picture.
When they started to put their own owls up at the open house, it began to look like this! (Pardon the beautiful florescent light right above the tree . . . ) Can't wait to see what it looks like when there are owls everywhere after the first week of school!
Catch you next time I have something Noteworthy!
The first thing I did was set up my NEW (well, new to us) SMART board!! Those things are AWESOME!!! Can't wait to try it out this year with my students :) I made it so they could draw on it, and also move notes around on a music staff.
Then, I put out some owls so they could be part of my latest bulletin board. Here are some pics from making it and then with their little owls on it. It was a great way to start conversations and meet new students--definitely an idea to use again next year!
First, I made a tree out of paper and put some grass below it. | |||||||||||||
Then, I added some clouds (batting) and some owls.
Catch you next time I have something Noteworthy!
22 August 2014
The Storm Before the Calm
Let's just say I have a LONG way to go before our open house on Wednesday :) But hey, we've all been there, right?? And, I'm trying to add some more special touches to my classroom this year to try to make it more colorful and exciting!
Oh, and yes, I do know I have a HUGE room and it's awesome!! I have also been blessed to have a supportive administrator who really tries to make sure that music is viewed as a REAL and CORE subject--woohoo!! Wish everyone could have that! Notice that new (used, but new to me!) SMART board up front--she made sure I got one when everyone else did because she knew I would use it a ton!
On the bright side of the chaos--I did start putting up some displays
out in the hallway to let parents know where the party's at!! We have a
great time in music AND we learn--not only about music, but how to be
wonderful human beings in cooperation with one another!
I hope the preparation for your upcoming school year is going well. Congrats to those of you who have already started! Can't wait to post some fun ideas as the year goes on :) Catch you next time I have something Noteworthy! Jen
20 August 2014
Back-To-School Favorites!
I have really enjoyed getting involved with Teachers Pay Teachers this summer. Not only have I found some awesome products that other teachers have created, but I have made some of my own! Here are 5 products I'm looking forward to using this year :)
1. Music Note and Rest Posters!!!
I love color and can't wait to hang the smaller posters on my word wall as we learn the notes and rests throughout the year!
2. Music Undercover
This is a fun game I created that would be GREAT for centers or for a sub who knows nothing about music--we all need those activities, right? Can't wait to use it this year :)
3. There's No Place Like Music Bulletin Board Set
I purchased this one from Lindsay Jervis--boy does she have a great store!!! You can check it out here. Can't wait to hang this one out in the hallway for our open house!
4. Composer of the Month Virtual Field Trip {FREEBIE}
5. Yummy! Yummy!
Here's a link to get started if you want to try it yourself: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Signup/referral:JenFilipiak
Catch you next time I have something Noteworthy! (And hopefully with my updated blog design!!). Jen
19 August 2014
18 August 2014
By the way, I am SOOO excited to get this blog rolling! Wait until you see the new design this blog will have soon! I know I can't wait to see it! If you want a sneak peek of what it might be like, check out this! That's all for now! Catch you next time I have something Noteworthy! Jen
I found the music teaching shirt of my dreams! Music teaching truly is about loving our students and helping them to become wonderful (and educated) people through music. And, hey, a little musicianship is also a perk! Anyway, I feel like this shirt finally captures the attitude that I want to convey to the students and parents at my school. Hope you feel that way too! Catch you next time I have something Noteworthy! Jen
15 August 2014
Just Posted a Great FREEBIE on TPT!!
Every year I do a composer of the month (or something monthly). I am still in the process of creating mine for this school year. Check out the latest one here for free! Catch you next time I have something Noteworthy! Jen
Starting Out the School Year!
This year I am determined to actually have a set theme for the year! I have decided on doing a "Superstar" theme. We are the Webberville Stars at my school after all :) I just ordered some stuff online to help with my theme--can't wait to show you what I came up with! Catch you next time I have something Noteworthy! Jen
10 August 2014
Blogging--Day 1!
This is my first blog post for Noteworthy By Jen! I'm excited to embark into the blogging world to share some of the ideas from my music classroom. Why? Because we shouldn't have to reinvent the wheel! If someone else has a good idea--borrow it and use it in your classroom (with permission if needed, of course!).
I always strive to be a life-long learner and I hope this blog will add to that. I'm sure your feedback will help me grow as a teacher too! So here goes Day 1. Off to fix this blog to make it look a bit more "Jen"ish. Catch you next time I have something Noteworthy. Jen
I always strive to be a life-long learner and I hope this blog will add to that. I'm sure your feedback will help me grow as a teacher too! So here goes Day 1. Off to fix this blog to make it look a bit more "Jen"ish. Catch you next time I have something Noteworthy. Jen